Sunday, September 30, 2018

Reckless & Wasteful Spending of our 2014 Measure H Bond Funds

A concerned citizen put in a public information request to the district to see how our Measure H bond funds are being spent.  A review of SCUSD spending from the 2014 Measure H bond funds over the past three years shows wasteful spending on items such as:
-almost $2,500 for bottled water (presumably for bond department employees)
-cell phones
-Comcast cable internet
-Travel/lodging/food for conferences
-$380,000 for a stadium sound system
-$75,000 per year for an outside contractor to hand water 20 trees
-Salaries, pensions, and benefits for bond department employees, including administrators paid up to $15,000/month.
-Salary increases which are retroactive. Whatever raise the teachers received, the bond department also gets.

Recall that a bond is a loan, and for every dollar we pay in bond principal we will pay another dollar in interest - all from our property taxes. So an employee costing $15,000 per month in salary really costs taxpayers $30,000 per month by the time the bond debt is paid off.

See for yourself.  Here are the links to the Measure H bond ledgers:
  1. SCUSD Measure H Bond Fiscal Year 15-16
  2. SCUSD Measure H Bond Fiscal Year 16-17
  3. SCUSD Measure H Bond Fiscal Year 17-18

 Here's the link to two information flyers created and donated by concerned citizens:
No on Measure BB Flyer 1
No on Measure BB Flyer 2

Here's the link to the table of how much Measure BB will increase our property taxes, based on assessed value.
Measure BB Tax Increase vs. Assessed Value

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